Our Blog

Women sitting around table talking.

The Power of Mentorship: Nurturing the Next Generation of Women

By EPMCharity | January 24, 2024

Introduction In every woman’s journey, especially those facing the emotional complexities of infertility and the joys and challenges of motherhood, mentorship serves as a beacon of hope and guidance. At…

Person holding up fist with sunset background

Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Self-Defense and Personal Safety

By EPMCharity | January 8, 2024

Introduction Empowerment is often rooted in the confidence that comes from knowing you can protect yourself. At I See My Baby, we understand the importance of personal safety and are…

women sitting outside with dog on a bench.

Cultivating Resilience: The Path to Emotional and Mental Wellness for Mothers

By EPMCharity | September 11, 2017

Introduction Motherhood is a journey that tests the bounds of emotional and mental strength, often pushing women into the deepest waters of resilience. At I See My Baby, we recognize…