Bainbridge Wellness Center to Share Free Services to Survivors of Abuse
The Women’s Wellness Center teamed up with Circle of Care.
- These services will be offered in partnership with the Women’s Wellness Center on Scott Street.
- Circle of Care Foundation to offer free services which include advocacy, mobile travel and counseling to abuse victims.
- Watch the story to find out why the founder is pushing to serve rural communities.

Free services to victims of abuse to begin in Bainbridge January 15
WTXL reporter AJ Douglas has been telling neighbors about new things to come as we head into the new year. Now from Jamaica to Georgia a woman plans to bring vital services to this rural community.
“Circle of Care Foundation is an organization that provides holistic support services primarily to women and girls who have been victims of abuse, ” said Circle of Care Foundation CFO, Alicia Bowen-McCulskie.
Bowen-McCulskie is using her experience in human rights safety to provide unique services to abuse victims.
Abuse she says she once endured.
“I’m a survivor of abuse. I was molested as a child,” said Bowen-McCulskie.
McCulskie said before seeking counseling she remained silent about her abuse for years.
“I lived for more than twenty or thirty years believing that either it was my fault… Or that I didn’t do something right, or I’m just alone in this,” according Bowen-McCulskie.
Now she’s helping others like her overcome traumatic abuse by counseling through support groups, skills training, advocacy, and mobile tours to neighboring counties.
These services will be offered in partnership with the Women’s Wellness Center on Scott Street.
“We’re going to start traveling to the most underserved communities,” according to Kenesha Stanley who is the COO for Circle of Care Foundation.
Studies from the Rural Health Information report that the effects of violence and abuse are increased in rural areas due to limited access to support, family connections, geographical isolation, and stigma of abuse.
Stanley is a registered nurse with a background in behavioral health who says she’s seen the negative impacts of sexual abuse.
“These girls are victims of abuse and they have suicidal ideation because of that,” said Stanley.
McCulskie said she wants people surviving abuse to know:
“You need support after going through the traumatic experience of being abused,” Bowen-McCulskie.
Reach out to Circle of Care to volunteer or sign up for their free services.
The Bainbridge Women’s Center opens January 15.